(RAPID CITY, SD) – On December 8th, Don and Linda Rydstrom, season ticket holders of the Rapid City Rush, organized their seventh annual gift-giving event at Canyon Lake Elementary School. For the fourth consecutive year, they have enlisted the help of the Rapid City Rush players, as they helped distribute presents to the children at the school.
“Every year we do this, we’re reminded that it is totally worth it,” said Linda Rydstrom, who has been a Rush season ticket holder for the last six seasons. “We just have one daughter who just graduated college and we don’t have any grandkids. I love to shop and I love kids. It’s a win-win.”
Presents were handed out to 410 children this year, ranging from pre-school to fifth grade. The toys are different for each grade. For example: first graders received Tonka Trucks and Barbie dolls, while second grade almost always receives Play-Doh according to Linda.
When asked about the impact of the Rush player’s assistance, Linda added: “We’ve been so grateful for their help over the last four years. Even just being here and giving the children an opportunity to meet them is great, just because most may not have the chance to do so outside of this event. We truly appreciate the help of the Rush players and the Rush organization.”
From all of us with the Rush organization, to all of you fans, we’d like to wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!
Other Rush News:
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