(RAPID CITY, SD) – The Rapid City Rush, proud ECHL affiliate of the NHL’s Arizona Coyotes, will be in attendance this weekend at the ASA and Canyon Lake Little League Opening Ceremonies on Friday, May 5th, and Saturday, May 6th, respectively.
ASA’s opening ceremonies will take place Friday evening, with a parade of players beginning at 5:45 p.m. Canyon Lake Little League’s ceremonies begin at 9 a.m. on Saturday. The Rush will be there not only supporting local athletes, but will also be promoting their 10th anniversary of hockey in the Black Hills with Nugget and some of your favorite Rush players from last season in attendance.
• The Rush are holding a contest for fans to create our 10th-year anniversary logo. Send logo submissions to Brandon Schumacher at brandon@rapidcityrush.com by May 22nd.
• For more information on Season Ticket Memberships for our 10th anniversary, call 716-7825.